How to order in our online shop?
Select the products that you are interested in ordering by clicking the "Add to cart" button. By clicking on the shopping cart icon or the "checkout" button in the upper right corner you can then revise these products, eliminate products, and change the quantity. Once you are ready to order provide your contact details and the delivery address.
You are not required to create an account with us, but if you wish, you have the option to create an account simply by entering a password. Our system will save your contact details and address, saving you time in subsequent orders. For future purchases click the link to login at the top of the checkout page.
Based on the delivery address and the products in your shopping cart, the options for shipping and payment methods may vary. After entering the delivery address you will be shown all the shipping and payment options available for your order.
After choosing your preferred shipping and payment option you will have the option to include a comment with your order and will be prompted to agree to our terms and conditions and our privacy policy.
Once you press the “Checkout” button on the order page you transmit your order to us and make it a legally binding offer.
You still have the right to cancel.
If you should have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us.